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Plateau Mille DEPO-P02

‘There is no word for image washing as well as 'effort'. How long is the word "effort" actually made? If you know, your efforts are helpless and lousy. It gives no room for half-time. If you fight against your efforts, you will be a person without will, and if you are faithful to your efforts, you will be crying out 'a little more'. It's not like you've been betrayed twice in your life. Maybe because of this? I do not have a lot of power! There are a few formulas that you have to assign to solve your life in the direction you want, and effort is only one of the processes. It is not the answer. It is necessary to work hard, but it is the reason that it is in the standstill only by hard work. In fact, the formula "Effort = Fruit" is more appropriate for maintaining the status quo. If you do not try hard, you are likely to lose even what you have. Now, if someone asks us, 'Will you be good when you work hard?' What did you say when everyone said yes?
I was born in a house working in the sea, lived in the sea, and my hobby went along with my father, who was a fisherman, and saw many sea. The striking color, the smell to be taken, the length of the coastline, the sand and rock in front, the temperature, and the ocean are different, but there was no sea without waves. If you ask what the essence of the wave is, it will be "sulking." All waves are inevitable. It is different from the exercise that we learned in the school science class when the rain of the digging and the depth of water exceed 3: 4 and it collapses and shakes. When you look at the waves, you can see waves that are more desperate and try to break down more spirited. Why are you trying to break down by force? How did you build the tower.



I see the sea. It sees the sea where the blue light turns and the black turns. The sea has an enormous and elaborate order. The crowd of lines that do not even see the end goes up one line by one line to the land by the sand. If the soul dwells in the horse dragons that I imagined that the Qin Shi Huang would protect himself, would it look like this? I do not know whether they are reaching for salvation or making a strong creation, but anyway, the unique order in the sea I am seeing is asleep.

I watch the waves. I want to grow bigger and I usually break, and I see the wave that slips as if it touches my feet. There is an unparalleled chaos in the surf. It seems to be a wave of waves standing in a row, but not in detail. There is a line in the middle, a line that is well connected is disconnected, and a place where it touches the sand is pushed up. A wave descending from the back collides with a wave coming in from the back one by one to make an irregular coastline.

I was born in a house working in the sea, lived in the sea, and my hobby went along with my father, who was a fisherman, and saw many sea. The striking color, the smell to be taken, the length of the coastline, the sand and rock in front, the temperature, and the ocean are different, but there was no sea without waves. If you ask what the essence of the wave is, it will be "sulking." All waves are inevitable. It is different from the exercise that we learned in the school science class when the rain of the digging and the depth of water exceed 3: 4 and it collapses and shakes. When you look at the waves, you can see waves that are more desperate and try to break down more spirited. Why are you trying to break down by force? How did you build the tower.
frame DEPO-MCP04
Warai DEPO-MCP07

table tennis


It seems to be not to lose. We seem to be trying not to lose any of the things that we have preserved. Leave the dusty objects in the house and keep the old feelings inside. I am so nervous that I react to it without knowing it. It is a riddle of human action that can not be explained by science. We clean and ventilate periodically, but we do not remove the old things around our living, but we are moving in line with similar people.

Where do we line up? Standing on the shoulders, all the things dragging under your feet, the people and the line next to you without losing anything, they become one big mountain range. We go to the waterfront. We will line up to the shore, and the moment of the burden of the burden we carry and the length of the supporting legs goes a little over 3: 4. Looking at the waves, we wonder if we are going to live. Nobody tries to break down, but the contradiction is that everyone lives to get rid of it. I have seen a book in the bookstore entitled "About Life in Life". I do not want to do that, but if someone asks me for the marquise of the book, I would like to write the title "About the life that goes on." Bertie thinks that the purpose of life is a life that goes on.

Not Selfish


Difference between strength and hardness, The two words are similar but very different.

Strength can be described as a strong degree and a hardness as hard as it can be explained more easily. If you scrape the iron plate and glass together, you can clearly see the difference between strength and hardness. Nobody knows that even if the glass is less scratched, it is more fragile than the steel sheet. The strength of the glass is smaller than that of the steel sheet, and the hardness is larger than that of the steel sheet. As you work, you can often feel that each person has different degrees of strength and hardness. Not all of them, but when collaborating, the style that does not allow mistakes in perfectionism is usually more likely to be harder than strength. What I'm saying is that 'perfect' is a fact that is close to fiction and does not allow mistakes. It is often more strict for others than for others. Because they are afraid of mistakes, they are hesitant to try new things . There are also many things to look out for when I am obsessed with the smooth surface and I am more concerned about the appearance than the nature of work. You need to be very careful about what you do not need, and when you have to work hard with a high probability of slowing down, you may get stamina. For example, people who care about fonts rather than layouts and reports rather than PPT content. Lastly, it is easy to break, so be careful and try new or important challenge is difficult, and if you go ahead, people around you should be more careful than usual. And the day of failure is literally shattered, leading to a big failure, and the people around me are quite troubled. It is a bit like comparing a person to an extension, but it may be good to see, but it is not a word for writing. So, I do not know if I'm thinking about it, but let's think and act flexibly. Even if a few scratches are not broken, it is not paralyzed, but it should be flexible. The crucial difference between strength and hardness is flexibility.
L'homme est la seule créature qui refuse d'être ce qu'il est.
Entrance Examination CHOI-MCP08